Tuesday, July 24, 2007

cuti-cuti malaysia

Last two weeks, aku and family went for cuti-cuti malaysia... Saja je.. nak releaskan tension keja. Lagipun dah janji ngan my kids to bring them mandi kolam. So.. cari punye cari tempat nak pegi... dalam internet lagi, dalam yellow pages lagi, dengan kawan lagi.. then aku buat keputusan untuk pegi bercuti tempat yang paling best.. kwa..kwa...kwa... desaru kota tinggi je.. Punye la pikiq... But nevermind, janji it's realy bermakna for us..

My sons very happy.. Ada swimming pool, sampai je terus melonjak kegembiraan. Terus nak pegi mengasah bakat berenangnya.. Boys about three years old.. Never thought about their safety.. Nak main je.. But I'm happy when saw two of them happy.. My hubby senyum je but I know that he also same with us.. But man always never shown their feeling. We all over there about 1 night..

Night, we all buat BBQ.. Daging kambing.. First time in my life makan daging kambing. Not bad le. Tu pun beli dekat TESCO. Ready made... Maklum la kan I ni kan sibuk. Tak sempat nak buat sendiri.. Tapi enjoy le kat sana. My hubby le yang bertungkus lumus buat bara..

Check out from challet about 12.00 p.m.

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