Salam Eid Fitri untuk semua.... harap2 raya tahun ni amat bermakna untuk semua....
Same to me.... got 3 good news in this raya.... Raya 2010..
Ya Allah, aku bersyukur ke Hadrat Mu di atas rezeki yang kau berikan... Semoga aku tak akan alpa dalam limpahan rezeki mu"
2 hari sebelum raya, kami enjoy with the new house & grand livina.....
House - kunci dah dapat... Now preparing for grill and little bit cabinet dapur.. Insya Allah will be moving to new house on next month...(10/10/10) Try to settle everything on that date...
Car - balik kg with the new one.... hehhe..terperanjat semua org kg....ya ke ?? padahal org the perasan pun kereta baru....tapi takpe, janji puas hati...
And the last one..... What both of us is waiting for almost 3 year ++.... Alhamdullillah....Insya Allah next year "umat nabi Muhammad" will be increase... But need to jaga2...takut2 pengalaman lepas dtg lagi... Ya Allah, permudahkan lah urusan kami....
September 2010, will be in our moment for ever!