Thursday, July 29, 2010

home sweet home...

that day, I still remember that promise u all to dload my house photos... Today I will do so...
Tak sabar rasanye tuk pindah to my new house... "Nak pindah...nak pindah...nak pindah!!!" hehhee... coming back to my child hood...

Why lawyer still not ready yet on their documentation to present to bank...eeiii... penat la nak kejar je... Daily basis chase them... May be in their side, baru hear my name, then fed up!! Mcm nak hempas2 je phone right...but never mind i still need to chase. If not, I will suffer on the interest chargeable after 3 month after SPA date...
My plan to move out before raya... Means "rumah raya". But dont know can settle or not...Grill lagi & cabinet lagi.... tapi tak pe if after raya pun... Leh do Yassin and doa selamat together with open budget!! nasib baik ari jadi on march... if not can combine also... hehhe...giler budget!


ari ni, as per normal, wake up and iron baju... tetiba my bby sitter who aku dah anggap her same as my sister called me... but no answer by me... tak sempat... Then return call to her.. Then with her sad voice ask me to send adeq faster than the day before. She plan to visit her niece - passed away last night due to "demam". 2 1/2 years old, so early to her leave her parents with sad mode..
Terkejut akak dgr!! Never heard even a few days before my bby sitter told me on her feeling unwell of her niece... Shockkk wwwooo!! Without any sign, she leave her family to mengadap ALLAH... But she stilll clean... Syurga Untuk mu Sayang, even I don't know her.
But my naluri really sad... I think I can feel as what their parents feel right now..

Ya Allah, panjangkan lah umur ibu, suami & anak2 ku serta umat muslimin & muslimat semua... Berikan petunjuk& peluang kepada kami untuk terus beribadah kepada Mu!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

kemelut keserabutan yang tak terhingga!!

day by day going very fast.. as a human don't know how to run and run to follow the time...
today going to end this week...jumaat sudah!! esok lusa, coming back to monday...

kepala still serabut, my audit still not finish yet... eeeiii..dah naik jemu melihat nombor2...looks like nombor2 tu all sedang dance in front of my eyes!! mengejek aku la tuh... ish3.really fed up..
what u think if your supervisor never turun padang to settle those thing which are terrible to solve it...kekadang, i feel realy guilty to have a such supervisor.. but pasrah!! when think to my responsibilities toward my family (mcm aku ketua keluarga lak), I bangkit back... Think about my prince, so i come back to do my job even really fed up...

why our job is never end... if settle one, then 3 comes over to us..
kalau tak de keje, susah jugak kan... hehhe...

owwhh!! how about my house... still awating feedback from lawyer.. lambat betul... this also make me serabut.. everthing come in the same time.. ish3...
if i got time then will be upload my new house...hehhe...hopefully this house will become my " home sweet home" best...tak sabar rasanye!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

cold but not my life...

starting the day with a raining day ... very cold but not my life...
waiting a van to pick up my abg aedil go to school.. 7.25am, 7.30am, until 7.35 am but the van still no coming... ohhh no.. looks like i need to send him to school with facing a heavy jam.
My hubby -mmmm... can't bike a motorcycle... Everything need to be faster... before 8.00am my hubby must tag in his workplace.. so terrible.

Adiq... oh adiq... as usual sent him to his mak, but request for roti canai... "adik nak roti canai jugak!..nak jugak!nak jugak!
"adik, please don't macam2.. we need to go to work".. ahhh...he start crying... no choice we need to follow his rentak. ish3 anak...anak..

like it!!

malam yg kelam ini...kumencari erti sebuah penantian...dapatkan rembulan memberi takrifnya...dapatkah bintang tawakan hatiku....dapatkah aku terus berdiri bertongkat rindu selamanya....halaman ini terasa sempit....kenangan bersamamu enggan pergi...datanglah mentari hilangkan resahku..... keindahan ciptaan maya percintaan... jiwaku dilanda gelora curahan cintamu...banjiri hatiku dengan embun kasihmu...tinggalkan aku kenangan...pupuslah dikau lembar cinta...jgn seksa ku dgn kedinginan ciptaan rimba sepimu..relaku berembun si mentari...relaku lena di ulit buih di lautan....mustahil dihati, khilaf difikirkan, apalah daya si pecinta luhur....pergimu tak kupinta...pergimu tak kuduga..di kepekatan malam ini biarlah ku berteman halaman coretan asmara kita selamanya.............

Monday, July 19, 2010


Suddenly my mind try to catch up what actually my password.. good!!...still remember...when open the page, woowww!!! unbelievable about 3 years never update my blog... very fast time left goes without waiting us... 2007 until 2010 we had passes the time, but try to think what actually i have done for my life within that time.. think again...again & again..

my 2 prince has become a big boy already... hari2 when take them from bby sitter, inside the car having a good communication.. "Adik wat ape kat umah mak ari ni" ... adik ain2 (main) je...
"abang?"... " abang gaduh ngan adik je...adik tu semua nak menang".. hhihii..semua nak report to their ibu...

" both of you dah makan ke lum" ... then abang reply " ibu jom kite g makan, kat restaurant depan" wahhh...dah susah sekarang, semua dah pandai order...which restaurant we need to go.. " here don't have abc, i want that... move to other reasturant, jom bu!!"

my naluri keibuaan, tak sanggup nak tolak permintaan now ibu follow anak!!! ish3, now time is change...